Wednesday 28 May 2008

Jimi Hendrix - Sex Tape Bosses Tell Hendrix Family To Prove Dvd Guy Isnt Jimi

LATEST: The porn video bosses behind the release of a new JIMI HENDRIX sex DVD have challenged those doubting the star of the show is the real Hendrix to prove it isn't him - and they'll pay up.

Vivid Entertainment co-chairman Steven Hirsch says his company is so confident of the authenticity of the 40-year-old footage of the guitar great having sex that bosses will pay the Hendrix estate $100,000 (GBP50,000) if they've got the wrong guy.

But Experience Hendrix, the family company of the legendary guitarist, must be able to prove the guitarist is not the "star" of the tape.

Experience Hendrix officials have publicly denied the tape actually showed Hendrix having sex with two unidentified brunettes.

Hirsch says, "Vivid took considerable time and spent a substantial sum of money to authenticate the footage and we are very comfortable that this is the real thing.

"We believe that those who say otherwise are relying on their emotions to make unsubstantiated claims. If Experience Hendrix can prove definitively that it's not Jimi Hendrix on this footage then we will pay them $100,000."

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