Wednesday 6 August 2008

Minnesota Gov. Pawlenty Discusses Plan To Improve Consumers' Access To Health Information

Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty (R) on Tuesday unveiled a design to allow all Minnesotans to access their personal health records and equate prescription and procedure costs online, the Minneapolis Star Tribune reports (Lopez, Minneapolis Star Tribune, 7/29). Pawlenty said that private health insurers make agreed to create a shared Web site that would report prices for the virtually common health procedures and quality information from providers. The Web site is expected to be fully operational by January 2009.

In addition, Pawlenty aforesaid that by next year, all state employees will have access to Microsoft's HealthVault, which allows people to memory board their health information online. Pawlenty aforementioned he wants all state residents to be able to memory access the system by 2011. In improver, Pawlenty aforesaid state employees will be able to access their flexible wellness spending accounts using a debit card. Other health care initiatives being considered in the state let in the cosmos of a uniform billing system that all wellness insurers must use, investing in electronic health records for clinics and developing other policies to ameliorate efficiency and lower